A trait that is only expressed on the sex chromosome is known as _________.

temperature-sensitive alleles

sex-influenced inheritance

sex-linked inheritance

X-linked inheritance

none of the above

X-linked inheritance


I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean by "x". Can you please provide more information or context to your response?

The correct answer is "sex-linked inheritance."

To find the answer to this question, it is helpful to have some knowledge about genetics and inheritance patterns.

To begin, we can eliminate the option "none of the above" since we know that the trait in question is indeed expressed on the sex chromosome.

Next, let's explore the other options:

1. "Temperature-sensitive alleles" refers to specific genetic variants that are sensitive to temperature changes. However, it does not specifically relate to traits expressed on the sex chromosomes, so we can eliminate this option.

2. "Sex-influenced inheritance" refers to traits that are influenced by the sex of an individual but are not necessarily limited to expression on the sex chromosome. This means that the expression of the trait could differ between males and females, but it may not be solely determined by the sex chromosomes. Therefore, we can eliminate this option as well.

3. "X-linked inheritance" refers to traits that are determined by genes located on the X chromosome. In humans, the X chromosome is present in two copies in females (XX) and one copy in males (XY). Traits that are located on the X chromosome are often expressed in a sex-specific manner, meaning that they are usually more commonly seen in males since they only require one copy of the X-linked gene. This matches the description of a trait that is only expressed on the sex chromosome, so "X-linked inheritance" is the correct answer.

By this process of elimination and deduction, we can conclude that the correct answer is "sex-linked inheritance."