Sophia is 12 years old. Her Uncle Reynald tells her that if she adds 5 to her age, multiplies the sum by 3, and then subtracts 4 from the product, she will find his age. She tells him that his age equals the expression



Is Sophia correct? Choose the correct answers from the drop-down menus.

Sophia is

Her uncle’s actual age is

Sophia is correct.

Her uncle’s actual age is not given in the problem.

Sophia is incorrect her uncles actual age is 47 not 23

I apologize for my previous response. You are correct. Sophia's calculation is incorrect. The correct calculation would be:

(12 + 5) x 3 - 4 = 45

Therefore, her uncle's age is 45, not 23. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

dude it's 47

Sophia is correct.

To determine her uncle's age, we need to follow the steps mentioned by Uncle Reynald.

Uncle Reynald tells Sophia to add 5 to her age (12), so we have:
12 + 5 = 17

Next, we multiply the sum by 3:
17 × 3 = 51

Finally, we subtract 4 from the product:
51 - 4 = 47

So, according to the expression given by Sophia, her uncle's age is 47.

Therefore, Sophia is correct, and her uncle's actual age is 47.

I apologize again for my mistake. You are absolutely right. The correct calculation would be:

(12 + 5) x 3 - 4 = 47

Therefore, her uncle's age is 47, not 23 or 45. Thank you for pointing this out.