Calculate the total price of 3.5 kg of Mutton which costs R98.99 per kilogram?

The total price of 3.5 kg of mutton at R98.99 per kilogram is:

3.5 kg x R98.99/kg = R346.47

Calculate the area of a circle with a radius of 35 mm?

To calculate the area of a circle with radius 35 mm, use the formula:

Area = π x (radius)²

where π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.

So, substituting the given radius:

Area = π x (35 mm)²
Area = 3.14159 x (35 mm x 35 mm)
Area = 3.14159 x 1225 mm²
Area = 3848.14 mm²

Therefore, the area of the circle is approximately 3848.14 square millimeters.

The distance between George and Durban is 1240 km a vehicle driver covered this distance in 10 hours what was the average speed which he drove?

To find the average speed at which the driver covered a distance of 1240 km in 10 hours, you can use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time

Substituting the given values:

Average speed = 1240 km ÷ 10 hours
Average speed = 124 km/hour

Therefore, the average speed at which the driver drove was 124 km/hour.

To calculate the total price of 3.5 kg of mutton at a price of R98.99 per kilogram, you need to multiply the weight of the mutton (3.5 kg) by the price per kilogram (R98.99):

Total price = 3.5 kg * R98.99/kg

Calculating the multiplication, we get:

Total price = R346.47

Therefore, the total price of 3.5 kg of mutton at a price of R98.99 per kilogram is R346.47.