Which sentence contains an example of verbal irony?

Seeing the untouched bowls of chili, the chef laughed. “one of my biggest hits!”

“ I guess this is going to be a group effort,” Han said , looking at the four sign-up sheet.

“ would you give me a hand moving these boxes upstairs?” Dad asked politely.

When I stepped outside,in the cold air, hit me like a ton of bricks— I quickly jumped back inside

Seeing the untouched bowls of chili, the chef laughed. “one of my biggest hits!”

Which sentence contains a pun?

I blinked at the bright light outside.

But that shirt is missing sleeves!

What a cardboard belt be a waist of paper ?

Can we get together on this tomorrow ?

What a cardboard belt be a waist of paper?

Use the sentence to answer the question.

As Lucia left home on her birthday, a bus splashed her with mud and ruined her new sweater.”Happy birthday to me ,” she muttered.
What figure of speech is shown in the paragraph?

verbal irony
Item category

Use the pun to answer the question.

I have been to the dentist many times, so I know the drill

Which word is being utilized for its multiple meanings in the pun?



Which analogy shows an analogy of degree?

Above: below
Quietly: softly
Shoe: high heel
Large: gigantic

Quietly: softly

Verbal irony is a figure of speech where the intended meaning of a phrase or statement is different from the literal or surface meaning. To identify an example of verbal irony, we need to look for a sentence where the speaker's actual intent or meaning contradicts the literal meaning of the words.

In the sentences provided, the following sentence contains an example of verbal irony:

"Seeing the untouched bowls of chili, the chef laughed. 'One of my biggest hits!'"

In this sentence, the chef's statement of "One of my biggest hits!" is ironic because the untouched bowls of chili suggest that it was not well-received or enjoyed. The phrase is intended to be humorous or sarcastic, as the chef is laughing about something that was clearly not successful.