Select the boxes in the table to show whether each statement about prehistoric hunter-gatherers is true or false.



were nomadic

built permanent dwellings

irrigated and farmed the land

developed the use of fire





To select the boxes in the table to indicate whether each statement about prehistoric hunter-gatherers is true or false, follow these steps:

1. Locate the first statement: "were nomadic."
2. Select the box next to this statement and mark it as true.
3. Locate the second statement: "built permanent dwellings."
4. Select the box next to this statement and mark it as false.
5. Locate the third statement: "irrigated and farmed the land."
6. Select the box next to this statement and mark it as false.
7. Locate the fourth statement: "developed the use of fire."
8. Select the box next to this statement and mark it as true.

After completing these steps, you should have selected the boxes as follows:

True - were nomadic
False - built permanent dwellings
False - irrigated and farmed the land
True - developed the use of fire

To determine whether each statement about prehistoric hunter-gatherers is true or false, you need to analyze the characteristics and behaviors of prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies. Here's a breakdown of each statement and how you can determine its truth or falsehood:

1. "Were nomadic": Prehistoric hunter-gatherers lived in small groups and relied on hunting and gathering for sustenance. Since they were constantly searching for food and resources, they tended to move from place to place. Thus, this statement is true.

2. "Built permanent dwellings": Prehistoric hunter-gatherers did not typically build permanent structures as they led a nomadic lifestyle. Instead, they constructed temporary shelters from materials such as leaves, branches, and animal skins. Consequently, this statement is false.

3. "Irrigated and farmed the land": Irrigation and farming techniques requiring settled communities developed during the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural ones. Prehistoric hunter-gatherers primarily relied on gathering wild plants and hunting animals. Therefore, this statement is false.

4. "Developed the use of fire": Prehistoric hunter-gatherers were indeed the first to discover and control the use of fire for various purposes such as cooking, warmth, warding off predators, and altering their environment. Thus, this statement is true.

By following this analysis, you can now select the correct option for each statement (true or false) in the given table.