Which word best describes the relationship between polyps and algae?

a. exoskeletal
b. symbiotic
c. photosynthetic
d. bleached

b. symbiotic

b. symbiotic

The word that best describes the relationship between polyps and algae is "symbiotic." To determine this, let's break down the different options:

a. Exoskeletal: This term refers to having a hard external skeleton. While polyps do have an exoskeleton, it doesn't directly describe their relationship with algae.

b. Symbiotic: This term describes a close and mutually beneficial relationship between two organisms. In the case of polyps and algae, they have a symbiotic relationship called mutualism, where both organisms benefit from each other.

c. Photosynthetic: This term describes the process by which organisms use sunlight to produce energy. Algae are photosynthetic, meaning they can convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. While this term correctly describes algae, it doesn't directly address the relationship between polyps and algae.

d. Bleached: This term refers to the loss of color in corals, often due to stressors such as changes in temperature or pollution. While bleaching can be a result of the breakdown of the symbiotic relationship between polyps and algae, it doesn't describe the relationship itself.

Based on the provided options, "symbiotic" is the most appropriate term to describe the relationship between polyps and algae.