Based on their environment, why would giraffes with long necks have a genetic advantage over giraffes with short necks?

They can fight easier

They can reach their food source

They are closer to the sun

and can access more nutrients and energy from vegetation that other animals cannot reach, giving them a better chance of survival and reproduction. This provides a clear genetic advantage as they can access more food for their survival and reproduce with better health and strength to pass on their long-necked genes to their offspring.


They can reach their food source.

Giraffes with long necks have a genetic advantage over giraffes with short necks because they can reach their food source more easily. To understand why, we need to consider the environment in which giraffes live.

Giraffes primarily feed on leaves from tall trees, their main source of nutrition. These leaves are often located high above the ground, making it difficult for animals with shorter necks to access them. However, giraffes with long necks have the ability to extend their heads and reach leaves that other animals cannot reach.

This advantage allows them to access a larger quantity of high-quality food, which in turn provides them with a greater nutrient intake. This gives them an edge in terms of survival and reproduction since well-nourished giraffes have more energy for various activities, such as mating and evading predators. Additionally, being able to reach the tallest branches also reduces competition for food, as other herbivores may not be able to access those resources efficiently.

In summary, the long neck of a giraffe is a beneficial adaptation that provides them with an advantage in accessing their primary food source and obtaining more nourishment, leading to increased fitness and a higher chance of survival and successful reproduction.