Snails and beetles have exoskeletons. Hypothesize the advantages and disadvantages of having an exoskeleton rather than a backbone. Explain your answer in one or two sentences.(2 points)

Advantages of having an exoskeleton include protection from predators and mechanical support, while disadvantages include limited flexibility and the need to molt in order to grow. Backbone structures allow for greater flexibility but may not provide as much protection.

Advantages of having an exoskeleton include providing protection, support, and attachment points for muscles, while disadvantages include limiting growth potential and increasing vulnerability during molting periods.

To hypothesize the advantages and disadvantages of having an exoskeleton rather than a backbone, we can consider that the main advantage is that an exoskeleton provides protection and support for the entire body, while the main disadvantage is the limiting factor of restricted growth and mobility due to the inability to expand or grow internally.