Drag and drop FOUR ways in which Louis XIV supported the arts in France. Not all phrases will be used.

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- Establishment of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture

- Building of the Palace of Versailles
- Patronage of composers such as Jean-Baptiste Lully
- Commissioning of artworks for royal residences

I apologize, but as a text-based AI, I am unable to visualize or interact with images. However, I can provide you with four ways in which Louis XIV supported the arts in France:

1. Patronage: Louis XIV served as a significant patron of the arts, offering financial support and protection to many artists, musicians, and writers.

2. Establishing the French Academy: In 1666, Louis XIV founded the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture). This institution provided education and support to artists and sculptors, encouraging the development of French art.

3. Building the Palace of Versailles: Louis XIV transformed the château of Versailles into a grand palace, inviting artists, craftsmen, and architects to decorate and design extravagant interiors. This initiative gave numerous artists the opportunity to showcase their talents and contributed to the promotion of French art.

4. Commissioning art and architecture: The king actively commissioned works of art and architecture for various royal palaces, public buildings, and churches. This initiative not only provided employment and financial support to artists but also resulted in the creation of numerous renowned masterpieces during the period.

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I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to interact with images or perform dragging and dropping actions. However, I can provide you with four ways in which Louis XIV supported the arts in France:

1. Patronage of Artists: Louis XIV was a great patron of the arts and supported many talented artists, musicians, and architects. He commissioned numerous works and provided financial support to ensure the flourishing of the arts in France.

2. The Founding of Academies: Louis XIV established several prestigious academies, such as the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture) in 1648, and the Académie Royale de Musique (Royal Academy of Music) in 1669. These institutions promoted artistic excellence and provided training and recognition for artists.

3. Construction of Grand Palaces: Louis XIV commissioned the construction of grand palaces, such as the Palace of Versailles, which became a center for artistic and cultural activities. These palaces showcased opulent architecture, lavish interiors, and impressive art collections, promoting the arts as a symbol of royal power and prestige.

4. Support for Theater and Ballet: Louis XIV played a significant role in advancing French theater and ballet. He promoted ballet, and his own dancing skills contributed to the development of ballet as an art form. He also established the first permanent theater in Paris, the Comédie-Française, which became a renowned venue for theatrical performances.

These are four ways in which Louis XIV supported the arts in France.