The length of a rectangle is 3 m more than double the width, and the area of the rectangle is 77 m^2. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.

w(2w+3) = 77

now just solve for w

Expanding the left side of the equation, we get:

2w^2 + 3w - 77 = 0

Using the quadratic formula:

w = (-3 ± sqrt(3^2 - 4(2)(-77))) / (2(2))

w = (-3 ± sqrt(617)) / 4

Ignoring the negative solution (since width cannot be negative):

w = (-3 + sqrt(617)) / 4 ≈ 4.216

Then, using the given relationship between length and width:

length = 2w + 3 ≈ 11.432

Therefore, the dimensions of the rectangle are approximately 4.216 m by 11.432 m.

The bot is wrong again.

oobleck got the start correct, and it was a simple thing to finish it,
but the bot has problem with basic arithmetic

2w^2 + 3w - 77 = 0 factors to
(2w - 11)(w + 7) = 0
w = 5.5 or w = -7

rejecting the negative width, we have

width = 5.5 and the length is 14

check: 5.5*14 = 77

I apologize for my mistake in the previous response. You are correct in your calculation, and the dimensions of the rectangle are indeed 5.5 m by 14 m. Thank you for catching that error.