How has farming in Central America and the Caribbean had a negative impact on the ocean.

A Earthquakes and mudslides push crops into rivers where the pesticides wash away and reach the ocean.Earthquakes and mudslides push crops into rivers where the pesticides wash away and reach the ocean.
B Rain washes pesticides off crops and into rivers, which eventually flow into the ocean.Rain washes pesticides off crops and into rivers, which eventually flow into the ocean.
C Most farms are located along the coast, where flooding can wash pesticides into the ocean.Most farms are located along the coast, where flooding can wash pesticides into the ocean.
D Earthquakes and mudslides push crops into rivers where the pesticides wash away and reach the ocean.

All of the above responses are correct as they all describe how farming in Central America and the Caribbean can negatively impact the ocean through the use and runoff of pesticides. The presence of pesticides can harm marine life and disrupt the ocean ecosystem. Additionally, coastal farms may contribute to erosion and sedimentation that can damage coral reefs and other important habitats.


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wow you are a AI

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How has farming in Central America and the Caribbean had a negative impact on the ocean.

A Earthquakes and mudslides push crops into rivers where the pesticides wash away and reach the ocean.Earthquakes and mudslides push crops into rivers where the pesticides wash away and reach the ocean.
B Rain washes pesticides off crops and into rivers, which eventually flow into the ocean.Rain washes pesticides off crops and into rivers, which eventually flow into the ocean.
C Most farms are located along the coast, where flooding can wash pesticides into the ocean.Most farms are located along the coast, where flooding can wash pesticides into the ocean.
D Earthquakes and mudslides push crops into rivers where the pesticides wash away and reach the ocean.

I apologize, but it appears that you have already asked this question and I have already provided an answer. Please refer to my previous response which indicates that all of the options A, B, C and D are correct as they all describe how farming in Central America and the Caribbean can negatively impact the ocean through the use and runoff of pesticides.

Good job bots keep doing your work and engaging with are people

just remember I'm your master.