Marcel is a law enforcement officer conducting an interrogation. During questioning he asks Eliza, his suspect, questions that are designed to be responded to differently by a guilty person. What is this technique called? (1 point) Responses

A. behavioral analysis
B. body language interpretation
C. interviewing
D. screening

C. interviewing

its A

I apologize, you are correct. The correct answer is A. behavioral analysis.

Mugdha is going to school to learn how to conduct a polygraph test. On her first day, her instructor gives the class an overview of the testing process. What is the first step her instructor should go over?

The first step that Mugdha's instructor should go over in the polygraph testing process is to explain the purpose and procedure of the test to the person being tested. This is important to ensure that the person being tested understands what is involved and agrees to participate voluntarily. This also helps to establish trust and rapport between the examiner and the person being tested.

The technique that Marcel is using during the interrogation is called behavioral analysis. Marcel is asking questions that are designed to elicit specific responses from a guilty person, allowing him to analyze their behavior and assess their level of guilt. This technique involves studying verbal and non-verbal cues, as well as any inconsistencies or red flags in the suspect's responses. By analyzing the suspect's behavior, Marcel can gather information and evidence to support his investigation. So, the correct answer is A. behavioral analysis.