How did conditions shown in the central image of the cartoon contribute to the collapse of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow?

Reconstruction policies fomented anger and resentment among many Southern whites.

The granting of citizenship rights to freed African Americans transformed local and state legislatures.

New opportunities for African Americans enabled them to resist Southern oppression.

Presidential support for Radical Republican policies limited the appeal of the Ku Klux Klan.

A. Reconstruction policies fomented anger and resentment among many Southern whites. The central image shows a white man, possibly a former Confederate soldier, being forced to take an oath of loyalty to the United States under the gaze of a black Union soldier. This scene reflects the harsh and controversial policies of Reconstruction, including military rule in the South and the granting of civil rights and voting rights to African Americans. These policies provoked backlash and resistance among many white Southerners, leading to the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and other violent groups that sought to undermine African American rights and restore white supremacy. This ultimately contributed to the collapse of Reconstruction and the establishment of Jim Crow laws, which legalized racial segregation and discrimination in the South.

A. Reconstruction policies fomented anger and resentment among many Southern whites.

The central image of the cartoon likely depicts the conditions during Reconstruction, which was a period after the Civil War when the federal government sought to rebuild and reconstruct the South. Reconstruction policies, such as the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which aimed to grant freedom, citizenship, and voting rights to freed African Americans, engendered anger and resentment among many white Southerners. These policies challenged the institution of slavery and the social hierarchy that had been deeply ingrained in the Southern society for centuries. This led to a backlash from white Southerners who opposed the changes brought about by Reconstruction, resulting in the rise of Jim Crow laws and the segregation and oppression of African Americans.

To determine the correct answer to this question, you will need to analyze the conditions shown in the central image of the cartoon and understand their implications for the collapse of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow.

Option A suggests that Reconstruction policies fueled anger and resentment among many Southern whites. This option acknowledges that the policies of Reconstruction were not universally accepted or supported, which is a significant factor in understanding the collapse of Reconstruction.

Option B claims that granting citizenship rights to freed African Americans transformed local and state legislatures. This suggests that the enfranchisement of African Americans during Reconstruction had an impact on political power dynamics, which in turn contributed to the collapse of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow.

Option C suggests that new opportunities for African Americans enabled them to resist Southern oppression. While this option acknowledges the positive outcome of new opportunities, it does not directly explain how these conditions contributed to the collapse of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow.

Option D states that presidential support for Radical Republican policies limited the appeal of the Ku Klux Klan. This option suggests that the lack of presidential support for Radical Republicans might have contributed to the rise of the Klan and the subsequent collapse of Reconstruction.

Analyzing these options, it becomes clear that the most accurate answer to the question is Option A. Reconstruction policies fomented anger and resentment among many Southern whites. This is a significant contributing factor to the collapse of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow. The policies aimed at integrating and granting rights to African Americans were met with resistance, which ultimately led to the abandonment of Reconstruction and the establishment of Jim Crow segregation.