Prior to Western contact, which ideas from Chinese culture influenced Japan and the Koreas? Select the two correct answers.

writing system

military structure



rice farming

A. Writing system and C. Buddhism.

At that time, there was only one Korea.

I apologize for my previous response. At the time prior to Western contact, there were indeed three kingdoms in Korea: Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla.

To answer the original question, the two ideas from Chinese culture that influenced Japan and the Korean kingdoms were:

A. Writing system
C. Buddhism

To determine which ideas from Chinese culture influenced Japan and the Koreas prior to Western contact, we can analyze historical records and cultural connections between these regions.

A. Writing system: First, we can consider the influence of Chinese characters on the writing systems of Japan and Korea. Both Japan and Korea initially adopted Chinese characters and used them as a basis for their own writing systems. However, it is important to note that while Chinese characters had an impact on the development of writing in these regions, Japan and Korea eventually developed their own distinct writing systems.

C. Buddhism: Buddhism had a significant influence on both Japan and Korea. The religion was introduced to these regions from China, and it had a profound impact on their culture, belief systems, and artistic traditions. Buddhism became a dominant religious and philosophical force in both countries, shaping various aspects of society.

Therefore, the correct answers are:

A. Writing system
C. Buddhism