What causes a maglev train to hover above the track? (1 point)

O attractive magnetic force

O massive batteries

O electric current

O repellant magnetic force

repellant magnetic force

Well, let me whip out my magnet encyclopedia for this one! The maglev train hovers above the track thanks to the power of...drumroll please...repellant magnetic force! It's like the train has its own little superhero cape made of magnets, keeping it hovering above the ground. Now, if only we could all get our hands on some repellant magnetic force capes...

The correct answer is:

O repellant magnetic force

The correct answer is: O repellant magnetic force.

A maglev train hovers above the track due to the repellant magnetic force. This force is generated by a series of powerful magnets both on the train and along the track. The magnets on the track are known as guideway magnets, and they create a strong magnetic field. Similarly, the magnets on the underside of the train, called levitation magnets, also produce a magnetic field.

These magnetic fields are configured in a way that causes the levitation magnets on the train to repel the guideway magnets on the track. Since like magnetic poles repel each other, this repulsive force allows the train to float above the track, with a small gap between them. By controlling the strength of the magnetic field and adjusting the distance between the magnets, the train can achieve stable levitation.

It's worth noting that while the repelling magnetic force is responsible for the actual hovering of the train, other elements such as electric current also play a role in the overall operation of a maglev train. Electric currents are used to power the electromagnets that generate the magnetic fields on both the train and the track. However, it is the repulsive magnetic force between the magnets that enables the train to hover above the track.