The scale of a map of Montana states that 1 cm : 50 KM if the distance on the map between Billings and bozeman in man measures 4 cm what is the actual distance between two cities?

150 KM
200 KM
250 KM
300 KM

The actual distance between Billings and Bozeman can be found by multiplying the distance on the map by the scale:

4 cm x 50 KM/1 cm = 200 KM

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is 200 KM.

Answer: 200 KM

If the scale of the map states that 1 cm represents 50 km, and the distance between Billings and Bozeman on the map measures 4 cm, we can find the actual distance between the two cities by multiplying the map distance by the scale ratio.

Map distance: 4 cm
Scale ratio: 1 cm : 50 km

To find the actual distance:
Actual distance = Map distance × Scale ratio

Actual distance = 4 cm × 50 km/cm = 200 km

Therefore, the actual distance between Billings and Bozeman is 200 km.

To find the actual distance between Billings and Bozeman, we can use the scale given in the map. The scale states that 1 cm on the map represents 50 KM in real life.

Since the distance on the map between the two cities measures 4 cm, we can simply multiply this by the scale to get the actual distance.

4 cm * 50 KM/cm = 200 KM

Therefore, the actual distance between Billings and Bozeman is 200 KM.

So, the correct answer is 200 KM.