Vascular plants can be divided into groups based on (1 point)



the presence or absence of seeds.
the presence or absence of seeds.


the presence or absence of flowers.

the presence or absence of flowers.

Your teacher gives you a multicellular organism. It is small, green, and has chloroplasts. All of its cells function in the same way. Which kind of organism is it most likely to be?(1 point)


vascular plant
vascular plant



nonvascular plant

nonvascular plant

To determine which group vascular plants can be divided into based on the given options, you need to identify the characteristic that distinguishes them. Let's go through each option:

1. Color: This option does not provide a suitable criterion for dividing vascular plants into groups. Plants can have a wide range of colors and it is not a defining characteristic of plant groups.

2. The presence or absence of seeds: This is a valid characteristic to divide vascular plants into groups. Plants that produce seeds are called seed plants, while plants that do not produce seeds are referred to as non-seed plants. Therefore, this option is correct.

3. Size: The size of plants can vary greatly within each group and it is not a defining characteristic for grouping vascular plants. Different plant species within a group can have different sizes, so this option is not applicable.

4. The presence or absence of flowers: This is another valid characteristic to classify vascular plants into groups. Flowering plants, also known as angiosperms, are plants that produce flowers and fruits. Non-flowering plants, such as ferns and mosses, do not produce flowers. Therefore, this option is also correct.

In conclusion, the correct answers to the question are:
- The presence or absence of seeds.
- The presence or absence of flowers.