What changed in Indian life after Aryan culture formed?

A. Caste system developed.
B. Trade increased.
C. Planned cities were built.
D. Farming began.

A. Caste system developed.

After Aryan culture formed, several changes took place in Indian life. These changes include:

A. Caste system developed: The Aryan culture brought the evolution of the caste system. The society became divided into four social classes, known as varnas, which were determined by birth. This social hierarchy established social and occupational distinctions among the people.

B. Trade increased: The Aryans introduced new agricultural practices and domesticated animals, which led to increased production. With surplus resources, trade expanded, both within India and with neighboring regions. Trade routes were established, and a culture of commerce developed.

C. Planned cities were built: The development of planned cities, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, predates the arrival of the Aryans. However, the Aryans influenced the urban centers by integrating their culture and practices. They brought their languages, literature, and religious beliefs, which influenced the growth and development of these urban areas.

D. Farming began: The Aryans introduced new farming techniques, such as the use of iron tools, which increased agricultural productivity. They practiced settled agriculture, which involved clearing forests, plowing fields, and growing crops like wheat and barley. This transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled farming significantly impacted Indian life and led to the growth of civilizations.

It is important to note that these changes did not occur instantaneously but evolved over a considerable period of time.

The correct answer is A. Caste system developed.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the changes in Indian life after the formation of Aryan culture. The Aryans were a pastoral, nomadic people who migrated into the Indian subcontinent around 1500 BCE. Their arrival had profound effects on the indigenous culture and society.

One of the significant changes brought about by the Aryans was the development of the caste system. The caste system divided society into different social groups known as castes, which determined individuals' occupation, social and economic status, and even their religious practices. This social hierarchy became an integral part of Indian society and greatly influenced social interaction, marriage, and economic opportunities.

While it is true that trade increased during this period, with the Aryans bringing new technological advancements and establishing trade networks, it was not as significant a change as the development of the caste system.

Planned cities were not specifically a result of the Aryan culture. The planning and construction of cities took place later in Indian history, during the rise of the Harappan civilization, which predates the arrival of the Aryans.

The option "farming began" is incorrect because farming in India predated the arrival of the Aryans. The Indus Valley Civilization, which thrived around 2600-1900 BCE, had an advanced agricultural system with large-scale farming and organized irrigation networks.

Therefore, based on the given options, the correct answer is A. Caste system developed.