When Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species, he addressed his theory of descent with modification through(1 point)


transitional fossils.
transitional fossils.

positive correlation.
positive correlation.

natural selection.
natural selection.

intermediate forms.

natural selection.

How are transitional fossils evidence to support the process of natural selection?(1 point)


They show that most species have not changed over long periods of time.
They show that most species have not changed over long periods of time.

They show plants and animals that once existed but do not exist now.
They show plants and animals that once existed but do not exist now.

They show intermediate steps in the evolution process.
They show intermediate steps in the evolution process.

They show that every species of animals developed separately.
They show that every species of animals developed separately.

They show intermediate steps in the evolution process.

The correct answer is "natural selection" (1 point).

Charles Darwin addressed his theory of descent with modification through natural selection in his book On the Origin of Species. Natural selection is the process by which organisms with beneficial traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to future generations. Those organisms that do not have beneficial traits are less likely to survive and reproduce, leading to gradual changes in populations over time. This idea was central to Darwin's theory of evolution, and he provided numerous examples and evidence to support it in his book.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options:

1. Transitional fossils: While transitional fossils are indeed evidence for evolution and can support the idea of descent with modification, it is not the main focus that Darwin addressed in his book.

2. Positive correlation: Positive correlation refers to a relationship between two variables where an increase in one variable is associated with an increase in another variable. Although positive correlation can be observed in certain cases within the context of evolution, it is not the primary concept that Darwin focused on in his book.

3. Intermediate forms: Intermediate forms or intermediate stages are indeed indicative of species undergoing gradual changes over time. However, the concept of intermediate forms is closely related to transitional fossils and the idea of descent with modification, so it overlaps with the incorrect option.

Therefore, the correct answer is "natural selection," which is the process central to Darwin's theory that he addressed in his book.