What is the sum of

-96 + (-12)

The sum of -96 and -12 is -108.

(-96) + (-12) = -108

To find the sum of -96 and -12, you simply add the two numbers together.

-96 + (-12) = -108

To find the sum of -96 and -12, you need to add the two numbers together.

Step 1: Start by aligning the numbers vertically, ensuring that the place values align with each other:

+ (-12)

Step 2: Since both numbers have a negative sign, you can simply add the absolute values of the two numbers. In this case, the absolute values are 96 and 12.

+ (-12)

Step 3: Subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger one. Here, 96 minus 12 equals 84.

+ (-12)

Step 4: The answer is negative because both original numbers had a negative sign. So, the sum of -96 and -12 is -84.

Therefore, the sum of -96 + (-12) is -84.