What is the major cause of winds?

unequal heating of Earth's surface
climatic earthquakes on Earth's surface
ocean waves

b) unequal heating of Earth's surface

The major cause of winds is the unequal heating of Earth's surface (option b). Differences in temperature between different regions on Earth create variations in air pressure. Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, resulting in the movement of air masses, which we perceive as wind.

The major cause of winds is the unequal heating of Earth's surface. The uneven distribution of solar energy across the Earth's surface leads to variations in temperature. Different surfaces, such as land, water, and vegetation, absorb and release heat at different rates. As a result, the air above these surfaces becomes heated unevenly. Warm air rises, creating areas of low pressure, while cooler air sinks, creating areas of high pressure. The air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, creating wind. This process of air movement is known as atmospheric circulation. It is responsible for the formation of global wind patterns, such as the trade winds and the jet stream.