Use the quote below to answer the question "One year ago this was a vast, houseless, uninhabitable prairie. Today I can see more than thirty dwellings from my door."

What factors caused Native Americans in the West to lose land in the 18005? Select 2.

There is no information in the given quote that directly addresses the question of the factors that caused Native Americans in the West to lose land in the 1800s. Therefore, it is not possible to select any factors based on this quote alone.

In the context of the given quote, it does not directly provide information about the factors that caused Native Americans in the West to lose land in the 1800s. However, based on historical knowledge, two significant factors that contributed to Native American land loss in the West during that time are as follows:

1. Land Encroachment by Settlers: The westward expansion and settlement by European Americans led to increased encroachment on Native American lands. As more settlers arrived, they sought land for agriculture, resource extraction, and establishment of towns and cities. This often resulted in the displacement of Native American tribes and loss of their traditional lands.

2. Government Policies: The United States government pursued policies that aimed to acquire Native American lands through various means. Treaties were signed, often under unequal and coercive circumstances, wherein Native tribes were forced to cede their lands in exchange for limited reservations or relocation. Additionally, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 authorized the forced removal of tribes from their ancestral lands, resulting in the infamous Trail of Tears and further land loss for Native Americans.

It is essential to conduct further research to gather more comprehensive information on this topic, as it encompasses a complex history with various specific events and policies contributing to Native American land loss.