Determine the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.(1 point)


Viruses are only able to impact eukaryotes, while prokaryotes are safe from all types of viruses.

Prokaryotes require chlorophyll to absorb sunlight, while eukaryotes find food in the environment.

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, while prokaryotes have DNA that floats around inside the cell.

Prokaryotes have cilia to move around, while eukaryotes have flagella to help them move around.

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, while prokaryotes have DNA that floats around inside the cell.

The correct response is: Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, while prokaryotes have DNA that floats around inside the cell.

To determine the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, we need to understand their basic cellular structure.

1. Prokaryotes: Prokaryotes are simple, single-celled organisms without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. Their genetic material, DNA, is not enclosed within a nucleus. Instead, it floats freely in the cytoplasm. Prokaryotes, such as bacteria, also lack other membrane-bound structures like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.

2. Eukaryotes: Eukaryotes are more complex organisms and can be either single-celled or multicellular. Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus that houses the genetic material, DNA. This nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear membrane. Eukaryotes also possess membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus.

Based on this understanding, the correct response is that eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, while prokaryotes have DNA that floats around inside the cell.

The correct response is:

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, while prokaryotes have DNA that floats around inside the cell.