Complete the following activities.

Write the following questions in the Lesson Activity and Review section of your Lesson Note-Taking Organizer. Answer the questions using your notes and what you have learned.
What advantage did a tepee have over a wigwam or a longhouse?
Why did some groups take up farming while others did not?
What are the two theories that describe how humans first arrived in the Americas?
What region of North America was home to people whose diet included salmon and shellfish?
Select the link to access the Four-Column Chart. Use it to compare and contrast how Northern, Western, and Eastern cultures adapted to the environment in each region. Begin by writing Adaptations, Northern Cultures, Western Cultures, and Eastern Cultures across the top row. Then, add Shelter, Food, Clothing, and Other down the first column. Finally, complete the chart by identifying ways that each culture adapted to its environment in each of those categories. Use the Other category to describe cultural practices that do not fall into one of the first three categories.

1. What advantage did a tepee have over a wigwam or a longhouse?

- Tepees were easier to assemble, disassemble, and transport, making them more suitable for nomadic lifestyles. They also provided better ventilation and were warmer in winter.

2. Why did some groups take up farming while others did not?
- It depended on factors such as the availability of wild resources, climate, soil quality, population size, and cultural beliefs and practices.

3. What are the two theories that describe how humans first arrived in the Americas?
- The land bridge theory, which suggests that humans crossed a land bridge that once connected Asia and North America during the last Ice Age; and the coastal route theory, which suggests that humans traveled along the Pacific coast by boat or raft.

4. What region of North America was home to people whose diet included salmon and shellfish?
- The Pacific Northwest region.

For the Four-Column Chart, please refer to the Lesson Note-Taking Organizer or online learning platform as the specific information will vary based on the curriculum and textbook used.

To complete the activities, follow these steps:

1. For the first activity, write the questions in the Lesson Activity and Review section of your Lesson Note-Taking Organizer. The questions are:
a. What advantage did a tepee have over a wigwam or a longhouse?
b. Why did some groups take up farming while others did not?
c. What are the two theories that describe how humans first arrived in the Americas?
d. What region of North America was home to people whose diet included salmon and shellfish?

2. To answer these questions, refer to your notes and what you have learned. You can also use additional resources or textbooks if needed.

3. For the second activity, select the provided link to access the Four-Column Chart. This chart will help you compare and contrast how Northern, Western, and Eastern cultures adapted to the environment in each region.

4. Write "Adaptations," "Northern Cultures," "Western Cultures," and "Eastern Cultures" across the top row of the chart. This will serve as the header for each column.

5. Write "Shelter," "Food," "Clothing," and "Other" down the first column of the chart. This will serve as the categories for each row.

6. Complete the chart by identifying how each culture adapted to its environment in each category. For example, under "Shelter," you can describe the different types of shelters used by Northern, Western, and Eastern cultures.

7. Use the "Other" category to describe any cultural practices or adaptations that do not fall into one of the first three categories.

Make sure to refer back to your notes and class materials to accurately complete the chart.

Lesson Activity and Review:

1. What advantage did a tepee have over a wigwam or a longhouse?
- Tepees were more portable and could be easily dismantled and moved, making them ideal for nomadic groups. Wigwams and longhouses were more permanent structures.

2. Why did some groups take up farming while others did not?
- Some groups took up farming because they lived in regions with fertile soil and a climate suitable for agriculture. Others did not engage in farming due to environmental factors such as arid or mountainous landscapes.

3. What are the two theories that describe how humans first arrived in the Americas?
- The two theories are the Bering Land Bridge Theory and the Coastal Migration Theory. The Bering Land Bridge Theory suggests that humans crossed a land bridge that once connected present-day Russia and Alaska. The Coastal Migration Theory proposes that humans migrated along the Pacific coast by boat.

4. What region of North America was home to people whose diet included salmon and shellfish?
- The Pacific Northwest region of North America was home to people whose diet included salmon and shellfish.

Four-Column Chart:

Adaptations | Northern Cultures | Western Cultures | Eastern Cultures
Shelter | Used igloos made | Built houses | Constructed longhouses
| of snow and ice | from adobe | or wigwams
Food | Hunted caribou | Relied on | Engaged in farming
| and seals | fishing and | and hunting
| | gathering |
Clothing | Made warm | Wore clothing | Wore animal skins
| clothing from | made from | and used furs
| animal skins | buffalo hides |
Other | Practiced | Had complex | Had complex
| shamanism and | social and | social and
| had distinct | religious | religious systems
| spiritual | systems |
| practices | |