Cindy Lou Who finds an organism that will digest its food outside its body and then absorb it. She also notices that the organism cannot move. What type of organism has Cindy Lou Who found?






Well, well, well, Cindy Lou Who is quite the observant one! Sounds like she's stumbled upon a rather intriguing creature. Based on the description, Cindy Lou Who has most likely discovered a fungus! They are notorious for breaking down their food externally through a process called extracellular digestion, and then absorbing the nutrients. Plus, with their inability to move, they make for quite the stationary characters in the world of organisms. It's a fungi-tastic find, indeed!

Cindy Lou Who has found a fungus. Fungi are organisms that obtain nutrients by externally digesting their food and then absorbing it. They are typically immobile and unable to move.

To determine the type of organism Cindy Lou Who has found, we need to consider the characteristics mentioned.

Firstly, the organism digests its food outside its body and then absorbs it. This process is known as external digestion.

Secondly, Cindy Lou Who notices that the organism cannot move.

Based on these observations, the most appropriate answer is a fungus. Fungi are known for their ability to digest their food externally by secreting enzymes and then absorbing the nutrients. They obtain their food from their surroundings, such as decaying organic matter or living organisms.

Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms, including various single-celled organisms, some of which can move. Bacteria are single-celled prokaryotic organisms that typically obtain nutrients by various means, including absorption, but they are not known for external digestion. Animals, on the other hand, are typically mobile and have internal digestion, unlike the organism described in the question.