Which resource is a direct ecosystem service?

A. Freshwater.
B. Land development.
C. Photosynthesis.
D. Biodiversity.

Select the option that best represents recycling, food waste.
A. Feeding straps to livestock.
B. Donating unused food to food pantries
C. Incinerating, eating leftover food.
D. Turning food scraps into biogas.

Choose the phrase that best defines ecosystem service.
A. Contributions of ecosystems to the well-being and survival of humans.
B. Benefits provided by ecosystems in the form of biodiversity food in space to live.
C. Good, that ecosystems provide to there in habitants.
D. Uses derived from ecosystem as they are converted for humans to use such as agriculture and housing.

How can we solve food insecurity while reducing food waste?
A. Donate, unused food to food banks.
B. Don’t throw scraps in the landfill.
C. Purchase only as much food as you need.
D. Inventory food supplies to avoid overbuying

All of the above.

A. Donate unused food to food banks.

To solve food insecurity while reducing food waste, one approach is to donate unused food to food banks. This helps address the issue of food insecurity by providing food to those in need, while also preventing the food from going to waste.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Identify food banks or food pantries in your local area. These organizations typically accept donations of non-perishable and perishable food items.

2. Sort through your food supplies and identify any items that are still edible but may not be used or needed. This includes items that are close to their expiration date or surplus items that you may have.

3. Ensure that the food you plan to donate is in good condition, unopened, and properly stored. Food banks usually have guidelines on what they can accept, so it's important to check their requirements beforehand.

4. Contact the food bank or pantry to find out their donation process and any specific drop-off times or locations. Some organizations may also have pick-up services available.

5. Pack the donated food securely, taking care to prevent any breakage or spoilage during transportation.

6. Deliver the food to the designated location or arrange for pick-up as per the instructions provided by the food bank or pantry.

By donating unused food to food banks, you can contribute to reducing food waste and help alleviate food insecurity in your community.

A. Donate unused food to food banks.

C. Purchase only as much food as you need.

D. Inventory food supplies to avoid overbuying.