What is the function of the core of an electromagnet?(1 point)


The core provides the conductor through which electric current flows.
The core provides the conductor through which electric current flows.

The core is the flow of electrons that charges the magnet.
The core is the flow of electrons that charges the magnet.

The core provides the magnet with electric energy.
The core provides the magnet with electric energy.

The core is the part that becomes magnetized.

The core is the part that becomes magnetized.

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The core is like the magnet's secret sauce - it's the part that becomes magnetized! It's like the magnet's little superhero cape, giving it the power to attract and repel other objects. So, the function of the core is to provide magnetism to the electromagnet. It's like the magnet's magnet-making factory. Pretty cool, huh?

The correct answer is: The core is the part that becomes magnetized.

Explanation: In an electromagnet, the core is typically made of a ferromagnetic material such as iron. When an electric current flows through the wire winding around the core, it creates a magnetic field. The core helps to concentrate and amplify this magnetic field by becoming magnetized itself. This makes the electromagnet stronger and more efficient in its function. So, the core acts as the part that becomes magnetized in an electromagnet.

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