In a tree, a long growing season would be represented by a:

narrow ring
wide ring
dark ring
light ring

wide ring

In order to determine which option represents a long growing season in a tree, we need to understand how tree rings form and what they indicate.

To find the answer, we need to know that tree rings are formed as a result of the annual growth cycle of a tree. During the growing season (typically spring and summer), trees produce new cells that eventually become part of the trunk, branches, and roots. These cells are larger, have thinner walls, and contain more moisture compared to the cells formed during the dormant season (typically winter).

With this knowledge, we can deduce that a long growing season would lead to a wider tree ring. A wider ring indicates that the tree had sufficient time and favorable conditions for growth, resulting in the production of more cells. On the other hand, a narrow ring would suggest a shorter growing season with limited growth.

Therefore, a wide ring would represent a long growing season in a tree.

In a tree, a long growing season would be represented by a wide ring.