Which of the following correctly describes patterns of ethnicity in Africa?

Members of ethnic groups always practice the same religion.
In most African countries, no single ethnic group makes up the majority of the population.
Members of ethnic groups rarely speak the same language.
In most African countries, ethnic minorities are usually recent immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.

In most African countries, no single ethnic group makes up the majority of the population.

To determine which statement correctly describes patterns of ethnicity in Africa, we need to evaluate each option and consider the general understanding of ethnicity in Africa.

1. "Members of ethnic groups always practice the same religion": This statement is not universally true for Africa. While there are cases where certain ethnic groups have a dominant religion, it is not a general pattern across the continent. The religious diversity in Africa is significant, with various groups practicing different belief systems.

2. "In most African countries, no single ethnic group makes up the majority of the population": This statement is generally accurate. Africa is a continent with tremendous ethnic diversity, and multiple ethnic groups often share the population. The absence of a single majority ethnic group is a common characteristic of African countries.

3. "Members of ethnic groups rarely speak the same language": This statement is generally false. While Africa has a great linguistic diversity, it is common for members of the same ethnic group to speak the same or similar languages. Ethnic groups in Africa are often defined by a shared culture, which includes language.

4. "In most African countries, ethnic minorities are usually recent immigrants or the descendants of immigrants": This statement is not true for the majority of African countries. Ethnic minorities in Africa are not typically recent immigrants. Instead, they are usually indigenous and have historical roots in the region.

Based on the above analysis, the statement that correctly describes patterns of ethnicity in Africa is: "In most African countries, no single ethnic group makes up the majority of the population."

The correct option that describes patterns of ethnicity in Africa is:

In most African countries, no single ethnic group makes up the majority of the population.

This means that in many African countries, there is usually a diverse range of ethnic groups, and no single group is dominant in terms of numbers.