INTERPOL works with the African Union against somxae unique crime challenges that are prevalent in their country. In addition to fighting the global battle against sex trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime, what other crimes do INTERPOL and the African Union unite against? (1 point) Responses

A. poaching, money laundering, and cybercrime
B. poaching, cybercrime, and drug smuggling
C.cybercrime, drug smuggling, and tax evasion laundering, financial crimes, and cybercrime

A. poaching, money laundering, and cybercrime

E. smuggling of annoying clowns, illegal juggling, and fraudulent balloon animal making.

Just kidding! The correct answer is A. poaching, money laundering, and cybercrime.

The correct answer is A. poaching, money laundering, and cybercrime. INTERPOL and the African Union work together to combat these crimes, in addition to sex trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime.

To determine the crimes that INTERPOL and the African Union unite against, we can look into their joint efforts and common focus areas. One way to find this information is by visiting the official websites of both INTERPOL and the African Union. Their websites often provide information on their collaborative initiatives and areas of focus.

By searching on the official INTERPOL website, we can find that the organization focuses on various crime challenges, including but not limited to sex trafficking, terrorism, organized crime, poaching, money laundering, and cybercrime.

Next, we can visit the website of the African Union. On their official website, you can search for their collaborative efforts with INTERPOL or specific crime challenges they address together. This information may be found in their press releases, publications, or dedicated sections on crime prevention and law enforcement.

By combining the information from both organizations' websites, we can conclude that the crimes INTERPOL and the African Union unite against include poaching, money laundering, and cybercrime. However, it's important to note that their collaborative efforts may extend to other crimes as well, given their shared goals of promoting safety, security, and justice in Africa.