The clouds are like fluffy puffs of cotton in the sky.

Which option best interprets the meaning of the simile in the sentence?

• The clouds appear large, white, and weightless.
• Cotton from trees is in the air, close to the sky.
• Cloudy skies make one think of cotton.
• The sky is overcast and cloudy.

The clouds appear large, white, and weightless.

The option that best interprets the meaning of the simile in the sentence is: The clouds appear large, white, and weightless.

The best interpretation of the simile "fluffy puffs of cotton" in the sentence is that the clouds appear large, white, and weightless. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as." In this case, the clouds are being compared to fluffy puffs of cotton, suggesting that they share certain characteristics such as appearance and texture. By comparing the clouds to cotton, the sentence conveys the idea that the clouds are light, fluffy, and possibly even soft.