How can readers better understand how a writer uses humor or suspense in a story?

a. by checking the table of contents for clues
b. by thinking about how the story makes them feel
c. by skipping to the end of the book
d. by looking up the plot of the story online

b. by thinking about how the story makes them feel

The best way for readers to understand how a writer uses humor or suspense in a story is by thinking about how the story makes them feel. By paying attention to their emotional reactions while reading, readers can identify instances of humor or suspense and analyze how the writer achieved these effects. This involves reflecting on the pacing, tone, word choice, and comedic or suspenseful elements employed in the story. Checking the table of contents for clues or skipping to the end of the book might provide some context, but they do not offer a thorough understanding of how the writer uses humor or suspense throughout the story. Looking up the plot of the story online may provide a general summary, but it won't provide specific insights into the writer's use of humor or suspense. Therefore, option b, by thinking about how the story makes them feel, is the most effective approach.

The best way for readers to understand how a writer uses humor or suspense in a story is by thinking about how the story makes them feel, which is option b. Here's how you can do it:

1. Pay attention to your own reactions: Start by reflecting on your emotional responses while reading. Notice moments where you find yourself laughing or feeling tension, excitement, or anticipation. Reflecting on your own emotional experience can give you insights into how humor or suspense is being employed.

2. Analyze the writing techniques: Look closely at the language, wordplay, or comedic timing used by the writer. For humor, consider if the author uses wordplay, puns, irony, or exaggeration to create a comic effect. For suspense, identify if there is a buildup of tension, a sense of impending danger, unexpected plot twists, or dramatic irony.

3. Consider the context: Think about how the humor or suspense is fitting into the overall narrative. Does the humor serve to lighten a serious moment or provide social commentary? Is the suspense used to heighten the stakes or keep readers engaged? Understanding the purpose behind the humor or suspense can enhance your understanding of the story.

4. Discuss with others: Engage in discussions with fellow readers or join a book club where you can exchange thoughts and interpretations. Hearing different perspectives can expand your understanding and help you notice aspects you might have missed.

In summary, understanding how a writer uses humor or suspense in a story requires analyzing your own reactions, identifying writing techniques employed, considering the context, and engaging in discussions with others.