What is the output of this program?

def cost(item1, item2):

total = item1 + item2

cost(80, 70)

There is no output as the function is defined but not called. If the function was called and printed the total, the output would be 150.

The output of this program is nothing, as there is no print statement to display the result. The function `cost(item1, item2)` calculates the total cost by adding `item1` and `item2`, but the result is not printed or returned.

The output of this program is nothing, or in other words, there is no output.

In this code, we define a function named `cost` that takes in two parameters `item1` and `item2`. Inside the function, we calculate the total cost by adding `item1` to `item2`, but we don't do anything with the result. We are not printing or returning the total cost, so it won't be displayed anywhere.

To see the output of this program, you would need to either print the result or capture it in a variable and then do something with it. For example, you could modify the code like this:

def cost(item1, item2):
total = item1 + item2

cost(80, 70)

Now, when you run the program, it will output the total cost, which is 150.