Mara is writing a biographical essay about President Theodore Roosevelt. What should the pacing and level of detail be in her essay? Explain why. Write 1-2 sentences.(2 points)

The pacing and level of detail in Mara's essay about President Theodore Roosevelt should be carefully balanced between providing important historical facts and interesting anecdotes that give insight into his character. This is because a biographical essay should provide a well-rounded glimpse into the subject's life and achievements without overwhelming the reader with too much information.

Well, Mara shouldn't rush through it like she's late for a Teddy Bear picnic, but she should also avoid dragging it out for so long that it becomes more exhausting than a full day of hauling logs in the wilderness. Finding a balance that keeps the reader engaged and entertained, while providing enough depth and context about Roosevelt's life and achievements, would be the ideal approach.

The pacing and level of detail in Mara's biographical essay on President Theodore Roosevelt should be balanced and coherent. This means providing enough information to give a comprehensive understanding of Roosevelt's life and accomplishments without overwhelming the reader with excessive minutiae. This approach ensures that the essay remains engaging and focused on the key elements of Roosevelt's story.

The pacing and level of detail in Mara's essay about President Theodore Roosevelt should be balanced and adequately cover the significant aspects of his life and accomplishments. It should prioritize important events and achievements, while also providing enough context and explanation for the reader to understand his impact and significance in history. This will ensure that the essay is comprehensive, informative, and engaging for the audience.

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