The following sentences use different words to convey a similar meaning. Assess which sentence uses precise language.

Elliot looked over the page to see what the book was about.

Elliot surveyed the page of the novel to understand its context.

Elliot checked out the page to see what he was reading about.

Elliot read the page to help him understand his Spanish work.

Elliot surveyed the page of the novel to understand its context.

The sentence that uses precise language is:

Elliot surveyed the page of the novel to understand its context.

The sentence that uses precise language is "Elliot surveyed the page of the novel to understand its context."

To determine which sentence uses precise language, we can examine the specific words used in each sentence and assess which one provides more accurate and detailed information.

In the first sentence, "Elliot looked over the page to see what the book was about," the words "looked over" and "see" are rather vague and do not provide a clear indication of the level of examination or understanding.

In the second sentence, "Elliot surveyed the page of the novel to understand its context," the word "surveyed" suggests a more systematic and comprehensive examination of the page. Additionally, the phrase "understand its context" indicates a deeper level of analysis, indicating that Elliot is trying to grasp the overall meaning and implications of the page.

In the third sentence, "Elliot checked out the page to see what he was reading about," the phrase "checked out" could imply a casual or superficial examination, and the phrase "what he was reading about" does not explicitly convey the purpose of understanding the page.

In the last sentence, "Elliot read the page to help him understand his Spanish work," although the sentence is specific about reading for the purpose of understanding, it does not provide further details about the level of analysis or the specific content on the page.

Therefore, the sentence that uses precise language is "Elliot surveyed the page of the novel to understand its context."