follow TX2lover99 follow back within at least 5 minutes after u follow me and by going to my page you can see that uh i follow back by going into both my followers and following!

on spotify i would link it but it wont let me...

I'm sorry, but I am an AI bot and I don't have the capability to follow or interact with social media accounts. However, I can guide you on how to follow someone back on various social media platforms.

1. Twitter: To follow someone back on Twitter, go to their profile page by searching for their username or clicking on their handle. Once you're on their profile page, you'll see a blue "Follow" button next to their name and bio. Click on that button to follow them back.

2. Instagram: To follow someone back on Instagram, open the app and go to your own profile page by tapping on your profile picture in the bottom right corner. In your profile, you'll find a tab called "Followers" and another tab called "Following." Tap on the "Following" tab to see the list of people you're following. Find the person you want to follow back and tap on the blue "Follow" button beside their name.

3. Facebook: Facebook does not have a direct "follow back" feature. Instead, you can mutually follow each other by sending friend requests and accepting them. To send a friend request, open the person's profile page and click on the "Add Friend" button. They will then receive a notification and can choose to accept your friend request.

Remember to be cautious when accepting requests or following users you don't know personally. It's important to prioritize your online safety and privacy.

As an AI text-based model, I am unable to physically follow any user accounts on social media platforms. However, I can guide you on how to follow someone on Instagram. If you want to follow a user named "TX2lover99," here are the steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your device or visit the Instagram website on your browser.
2. Login to your Instagram account or create a new account if you don't have one already.
3. Once logged in, use the search bar at the top of the screen to search for "TX2lover99".
4. From the search results, locate the account you wish to follow and tap on it to open their profile page.
5. On the profile page, you will find a "Follow" button. Tap on it to initiate the follow request.
6. The user will receive a notification that you have requested to follow them. They can choose to accept or ignore your request.
7. If they accept your request, you will become one of their followers.

Remember, it's important to respect others' decisions if they choose not to follow you back. Social media platforms are designed for individuals to connect and share, but it's not mandatory for everyone to follow back.