Where would you expect to find the most populous cities in Southeast Asia?

on deserts and plateaus
along coastal regions
in interior highlands
near wetlands and rain forests

along coastal regions

its wrong please tell me to correct answer

I apologize for the incorrect response. The correct answer is along coastal regions. Some of the most populous cities in Southeast Asia are located along the coasts, such as Jakarta and Manila. Coastal areas provide access to ports and transportation, making them ideal locations for economic growth and urban development.

To find the most populous cities in Southeast Asia, you would expect them to be mainly located along coastal regions. This is because coastal areas usually have better access to transportation routes, trade networks, and resources. Moreover, coastal regions often provide favorable conditions for economic activities such as fishing, shipping, and tourism. Additionally, these areas tend to have more urbanization and infrastructure development, attracting a higher population density.

While there may be cities in the other mentioned geographic features like deserts, plateaus, interior highlands, wetlands, and rainforests, they are generally less populous compared to coastal cities in Southeast Asia. These areas might have unique settlements that cater to specific industries or communities, but they usually don't have the same level of urbanization and population concentration as the cities located along the coast.

It's important to note that this is a general observation, and there can be exceptions based on specific country and regional factors within Southeast Asia.