Use the sliding scale on the battery to change the voltage.

How does changing the voltage influence the magnetic field?

Increasing the voltage, decreases the magnetic field
Increasing the voltage, increases the magnetic field
Increasing the voltage, does not change the magnetic field

b. Increasing the voltage increases the magnetic field.

b. Increasing the voltage increases the magnetic field.

To understand how changing the voltage influences the magnetic field, we need to know the relationship between voltage and the magnetic field.

First, let's clarify that the sliding scale mentioned in the question refers to a variable resistor or a potentiometer. This component allows us to change the voltage by adjusting its resistance.

Now, when an electric current flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field around the wire. The strength of this magnetic field is influenced by multiple factors, including the current flowing through the wire and the distance from the wire.

In the context of the sliding scale, changing the voltage means adjusting the resistance, which affects the current flowing through the wire. According to Ohm's Law, the current (I) in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage (V) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R). Thus, as we increase the voltage by reducing the resistance, the current will also increase.

Now, regarding the influence on the magnetic field, the strength of the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire is directly proportional to the current. So, if we increase the voltage by increasing the current, the magnetic field will also increase.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b: Increasing the voltage increases the magnetic field.