Select three reasons for the formation of political parties?

to support, or not support, the Constitution
to follow laws set by Great Britain
to represent differencing opinions
to support Washington as a president
to organize political desires for representation

The three reasons for the formation of political parties are:

1. To represent differing opinions: People gathered together to form political parties because they had different ideas about how the government should be run. Some wanted a strong central government while others wanted more power given to the states.

2. To support, or not support, the Constitution: The debate over whether or not to ratify the Constitution led to the formation of political parties. Those who supported it became known as the Federalists, while those who opposed it became known as the Anti-Federalists.

3. To organize political desires for representation: Political parties were formed to bring together groups of people who shared common interests and concerns. By organizing themselves into parties, they could better influence the government and get their voices heard.