the number of emails a friend receive each day during last 20 days is shown below. what number of days she receive 19 or fewer e-mails in a day? a.7 b. 11 c. 12 d. 15

To find the number of days she receives 19 or fewer emails in a day, we need to count the number of days where the number of emails is 19 or less.

Looking at the given data, we can see that there are:
- 7 days with 19 or fewer emails

Therefore, the answer is option a) 7.

To determine the number of days your friend receives 19 or fewer emails, you need to analyze the data provided. However, you haven't mentioned the actual data or the number of emails received on each day. Please provide the data, and I'll be happy to assist you in finding the answer.

To find the number of days the friend received 19 or fewer emails in a day, we can create a frequency distribution table with the data given:

Number of emails | Number of days
0-4 | 2
5-9 | 5
10-14 | 7
15-19 | 5
20-24 | 1

From the table, we can see that the friend received 19 or fewer emails on 2 + 5 + 7 = 14 days. Therefore, the correct answer is (c) 12, since this is the number of days when the friend received 19 or fewer emails in each of those days.