A band needs to reserve studio time to make recordings. After 15 minutes of microphone setup, the band needs at least 75 minutes to make the recordings. What is the solution of an inequality showing the number of minutes (t) that the band must reserve?(1 point)


The band needs to reserve enough studio time to accommodate both the 15 minutes of microphone setup and the 75 minutes of recording. To express this as an inequality, we can use the inequality symbol "greater than or equal to" (≥) to show that the reserved time must be greater than or equal to the sum of these two durations.

The inequality can be written as:

t ≥ 15 + 75

Simplifying the right side of the inequality:

t ≥ 90

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is t ≥ 90.

Hey @? We can use what ever site we want for what ever reason we want okay? Don't be so rude

≥ 90


The band needs 15 minutes for microphone setup and at least 75 minutes for recording, so they need a total of t minutes where:

t = 15 + 75

t = 90

Therefore, the inequality that shows the number of minutes the band must reserve would be:

t ≥ 90 (since they need at least 90 minutes in total)

The solution to the inequality showing the number of minutes (t) that the band must reserve is:

t ≥ 15 + 75

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