(2y – 1)(4y – 3)

A. –2y + 3
B. 8y2 – 10y – 3
C. 8y2 – 10y + 3
D. 8y2 – 2y + 3

To expand this expression, we can use FOIL (First, Outer, Inner, Last) method.

First: 2y times 4y gives 8y^2
Outer: 2y times -3 gives -6y
Inner: -1 times 4y gives -4y
Last: -1 times -3 gives 3

Putting it all together, we get:

(2y – 1)(4y – 3) = 8y^2 - 6y - 4y + 3 = 8y^2 - 10y + 3

Therefore, the answer is C. 8y^2 – 10y + 3.

To expand the expression (2y – 1)(4y – 3), we can use the distributive property. This property states that for any real numbers a, b, and c, (a + b)(c) = ac + bc.

Here, we have two binomials, (2y – 1) and (4y – 3), so we can expand the expression as follows:

(2y – 1)(4y – 3)

= (2y)(4y) + (2y)(-3) + (-1)(4y) + (-1)(-3)

= 8y^2 - 6y - 4y + 3

= 8y^2 - 10y + 3

Therefore, the expanded form of (2y – 1)(4y – 3) is 8y^2 - 10y + 3.

The correct option is C. 8y^2 - 10y + 3.

To simplify the expression (2y – 1)(4y – 3), we can use the distributive property:

(2y – 1)(4y – 3) = 2y(4y) + 2y(-3) - 1(4y) - 1(-3)

Now, multiply each term:

= 8y^2 - 6y - 4y + 3

Combine like terms:

= 8y^2 - 10y + 3

Therefore, the simplified expression is 8y^2 - 10y + 3.

So, the correct answer is:

C. 8y^2 - 10y + 3.