Max charges $3.50 per hour when he mows lawns, plus $6.00 for transportation expenses. Which function rule represents the amount y Max charges to mow lawns for x hours?

A. y = 9.50x
B. y = 6.00x + 3.50
C. y = 3.50x + 6.00
D. y = 2.5x

The correct function rule that represents the given situation is option B, y = 6.00x + 3.50.

This is because Max charges $3.50 per hour when he mows lawns, which is represented by the coefficient of x, and adds $6.00 as transportation expenses, which is represented by the constant term. Thus, the total amount charged, y, is equal to the sum of these two terms.

To determine the function rule that represents the amount Max charges to mow lawns for x hours, we need to break down the given information.

The problem states that Max charges $3.50 per hour for mowing lawns and an additional $6.00 for transportation expenses.

So, for x hours of mowing lawns, the cost would be $3.50 multiplied by x, which represents the amount charged for the hours of mowing. Additionally, the transportation expenses of $6.00 will be added to the total.

Therefore, the function rule that represents the amount y Max charges to mow lawns for x hours would be:

y = 3.50x + 6.00

The correct answer is option C. y = 3.50x + 6.00.

The correct function rule that represents the amount Max charges to mow lawns for x hours is option B.

y = 6.00x + 3.50

In this function, the variable x represents the number of hours Max spends mowing lawns, and the term 6.00x represents the amount Max charges per hour for mowing lawns. The term 3.50 represents the additional transportation expenses Max charges.