1. Which of the following illustrates enthusiastic consent? (1 point)

O a person sending sexual photos to a person who does not want them
O a sexist joke about women driving
O a couple excited about their first kiss
O a person pressuring their partner into sexual activities

The option that illustrates enthusiastic consent is: a couple excited about their first kiss. Enthusiastic consent means that all parties involved in a sexual activity are fully willing and excited to participate, without any pressure or coercion from others.

The option that illustrates enthusiastic consent is "a couple excited about their first kiss."

The answer is: a couple excited about their first kiss.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand what enthusiastic consent means. Enthusiastic consent is a clear and mutual agreement between all individuals involved in a sexual activity. It ensures that everyone involved is actively giving their full and voluntary consent, without any coercion, pressure, or manipulation.

Let's evaluate the given options based on this definition:

1. A person sending sexual photos to a person who does not want them: This does not demonstrate enthusiastic consent as it involves sending sexual content without the other person's consent or desire.

2. A sexist joke about women driving: This option is unrelated to enthusiastic consent. It pertains to sexist humor, which is disrespectful and does not promote consent.

3. A couple excited about their first kiss: This option illustrates enthusiastic consent. If both individuals in the couple are excited and consenting to share their first kiss, it demonstrates a clear and mutual agreement.

4. A person pressuring their partner into sexual activities: This option does not represent enthusiastic consent. Consent obtained through pressure or coercion is not genuine or enthusiastic.

Based on the above analysis, the correct option is: a couple excited about their first kiss.