Using the data from the experiment, graph your results, with the independent variable on the x axis and the dependent variable on the y axis. All of your points will be in quadrant I. You may drag the graph to show only quadrant 1. Zoom out to see a larger axis.

Temperature of Water 170 mL of water
Trial 1 Amount of ice (grams) Initial temperature Final temperature
1 57.4g 50.4 degrees C 46.6 degrees C
2 60.1g 50.2 degrees C 12.3 degrees C
3 70.8g 50.5 degrees C 4.3 degrees C
4 135g 50.4 degrees C 0 degrees C

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I do not have the ability to create or upload graphs. However, I can guide you on how to create a graph based on the given data.

In this experiment, the independent variable is the amount of ice (in grams) and the dependent variable is the change in temperature of water (in degrees Celsius).

To create a graph, you can start by drawing a Cartesian plane where the x-axis represents the amount of ice (in grams) and the y-axis represents the change in temperature of water (in degrees Celsius).

Next, you can plot the data points for each trial as follows:

For trial 1, the data point will be at (57.4, 3.8) where 57.4 represents the amount of ice in grams and 3.8 represents the change in temperature of water in degrees Celsius (initial temperature - final temperature).

Similarly, for trial 2, the data point will be at (60.1, 37.9); for trial 3, the data point will be at (70.8, 46.2); and for trial 4, the data point will be at (135, 50.4).

Once you have all the data points plotted, you can connect them with a line or a curve to show the trend in the data.

To graph the results of the experiment, we will plot the independent variable (amount of ice in grams) on the x-axis and the dependent variable (final temperature of water in degrees Celsius) on the y-axis.

Here is the data from the experiment:

Trial 1:
- Amount of ice (grams): 57.4g
- Initial temperature: 50.4 degrees C
- Final temperature: 46.6 degrees C

Trial 2:
- Amount of ice (grams): 60.1g
- Initial temperature: 50.2 degrees C
- Final temperature: 12.3 degrees C

Trial 3:
- Amount of ice (grams): 70.8g
- Initial temperature: 50.5 degrees C
- Final temperature: 4.3 degrees C

Trial 4:
- Amount of ice (grams): 135g
- Initial temperature: 50.4 degrees C
- Final temperature: 0 degrees C

Now, let's plot these data points on a graph:

First, create a coordinate grid with the x-axis representing the amount of ice in grams and the y-axis representing the final temperature of the water in degrees Celsius.

Next, label the x-axis with the range of ice amounts used in the experiment (e.g., from 50g to 150g).

Label the y-axis with the range of temperatures observed in the experiment (e.g., from 0 degrees C to 50 degrees C).

Now, plot the data points as follows:
- Trial 1: (57.4g, 46.6 degrees C)
- Trial 2: (60.1g, 12.3 degrees C)
- Trial 3: (70.8g, 4.3 degrees C)
- Trial 4: (135g, 0 degrees C)

Connect the data points with a smooth line to show the relationship between the amount of ice and the final temperature of the water.

Finally, you can drag the graph to only show quadrant I, and zoom out if necessary to see a larger x-axis.

By following these steps, you will have a graph representing the results of the experiment.