Carly, Brittany, and Lauren streamed one-fourth of an eight-episode documentary. If 70 minutes of the documentary have been watched, how many minutes are in the documentary?


that's not correct


We can start by using ratios to solve this problem.

If one-fourth of the documentary is 2 episodes (since 8 divided by 4 is 2), then each episode is 1/2 of the one-fourth share.

So, 1/2 of the one-fourth share is equal to 1/8 of the documentary.

Therefore, if 70 minutes have been watched, this is 1/8 of the total minutes in the documentary.

We can set up a proportion:

1/8 = 70/x

where x is the total number of minutes in the documentary.

Cross-multiplying, we get:

8*70 = x
560 = x

Therefore, there are 560 minutes in the entire documentary.