Sean runs 3one-half miles in 28 minutes. How long does it take him to run 1 mile?

A. 7 minutes
B. 98 minutes
C. 8 minutes
D. 4start fraction 2 over 3 end fraction minutes

To solve the problem, you need to divide the total time by the total distance.

First, you need to convert 3 1/2 miles to an improper fraction:

3 1/2 = 7/2

Then, you can set up the equation:

time / distance = total time

Let x be the time it takes Sean to run 1 mile:

x / 1 = 28 / (7/2)

Next, you can simplify the right side:

x = 28 * 2/7

x = 8 minutes

Therefore, the answer is C. It takes Sean 8 minutes to run 1 mile.