What economic changes took place in the late 20th century? Select all that apply.

A. Tax increases brought in more revenue.
B. Improvements were made to the highways.
C. Nearly all factories closed, eliminating thousands of jobs.
D. Several corporations established headquarters in the state.

B. Improvements were made to the highways.

D. Several corporations established headquarters in the state.

To determine the economic changes that took place in the late 20th century, we can analyze each statement individually:

A. Tax increases brought in more revenue: This statement refers to changes in tax policies. To verify this claim, we can examine historical records such as government documents, economic reports, and scholarly research. These sources typically analyze tax revenue trends over time. By comparing tax rates, government policies, and revenue data, we can determine if tax increases did indeed bring in more revenue during this period.

B. Improvements were made to the highways: This statement suggests infrastructure development focused on highways. To confirm this, we can consult government infrastructure plans, transportation records, and historical documentation on construction projects. These sources will provide details about the extent of highway improvements, funding allocations, and any associated economic impacts.

C. Nearly all factories closed, eliminating thousands of jobs: This statement indicates a significant decline in manufacturing industries. To verify this claim, we can examine employment data, industrial reports, and economic studies focusing on specific regions or sectors. By reviewing the evidence, we can assess the extent and causes of factory closures and job losses during this time period.

D. Several corporations established headquarters in the state: This statement suggests an influx of corporate headquarters into a specific state. To verify this claim, we can research state-level economic development efforts, corporate relocation trends, and business publications. By analyzing company announcements, location decisions, and economic indicators, we can determine if there was a notable increase in corporations establishing their headquarters in the stated region.

Given this information, the economic changes in the late 20th century would likely include improvements made to the highways (B) and several corporations establishing headquarters in a state (D). However, without additional information, we cannot conclude if tax increases brought in more revenue (A) or if nearly all factories closed (C).

The economic changes that took place in the late 20th century are:

B. Improvements were made to the highways.
D. Several corporations established headquarters in the state.