What tools do you need to explore the solar system.

To explore the solar system, different types of tools are needed depending on the specific mission or objective. Some of the commonly used tools are:

1. Telescopes: Both ground-based and space-based telescopes are used to observe planets, moons, asteroids, and comets in the solar system.

2. Probes and spacecraft: Probes and spacecraft are sent to different parts of the solar system to collect data and images on planetary features, atmospheric conditions, and other information.

3. Rovers: For exploring the surface of planets or moons, rovers are used. These are vehicles equipped with scientific instruments that can move around and collect data.

4. Spectrometers: Spectrometers are used to analyze the composition of planets, moons, and asteroids by measuring the light they reflect.

5. Lasers: Lasers are used to accurately measure the distance between Earth and other celestial bodies in our solar system.

These are just a few of the tools used to explore the solar system. As technology develops, new and more sophisticated tools will be developed to further our understanding of the universe.