How to test your balloon-powered car

To test your balloon-powered car, follow these steps:

1. Inflate the balloon by blowing it up or using a pump. Make sure to pinch the neck of the balloon to keep the air inside.

2. Attach the balloon to your car. You can do this by taping it to the back of the car or by tying it to a straw that is attached to the car. Make sure the balloon is securely in place.

3. Place your car on a flat surface, such as a table or floor.

4. Let go of the neck of the balloon to release the air and watch as the car moves forward.

5. Observe how far the car travels and how fast it goes. You can use a measuring tape to measure the distance it travels.

6. Repeat the test several times to ensure consistency and record your results.

7. Make any necessary adjustments to your car to improve its performance, such as changing the weight or the size of the wheels.

By following these steps, you can test the performance of your balloon-powered car and make any improvements needed for it to work better.